Bach Original Flower Remedies Agrimony 20ml

Bach Original Flower Remedies
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Agrimony Bach Original Flower Remedies - Hide problems behind a cheerful face.

Agrimony eupatoria

Agrimony is traditionally used for people who often appear carefree and humorous, but their joie de vivre is a mask for anxieties, worries and even real inner torment, which they may be trying to conceal from themselves as well as others. If in pain or discomfort, they are likely to joke about it, unwilling to express their real fears. They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction. They try to ignore the darker side of life, and prefer to make light of things rather than enter into a confrontation. They may also suffer from restlessness at night with churning thoughts. (see also White Chestnut).

Dosage: 2 drops

Directions: Single remedy use: 2 drops in water and sip at intervals or add to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water. Take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day.

Multiple remedy use: Add 2 drops of each remedy (max 7 remedies) to a mixing bottle and use as above.


  • 5 x dilution of flower extracts of Agrimony (agromiony eupatoria) in a grape alcohol solution

Warning: Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Contains ethanol. Homeopathic product

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