Bach Original Flower Remedies Hornbeam 20ml

Bach Original Flower Remedies
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Hornbeam Bach Original Flower Remedies - that Monday Morning feeling or Weariness

  • Carpinus betulus

Hornbeam has been traditionally used for weariness, mental rather than physical: for those who wake up doubting their own ability to face the day’s work. They find it difficult to face up to problems or cope with the day’s program, although in fact they usually get everything done. People in need of Hornbeam may be suffering from overwork, or a sense of staleness and lack of variety in life, for example when studying for exams (also see Olive). They lack enthusiasm and may procrastinate. Sleep is not refreshing and if convalescing from illness, they doubt their strength to recover.

Dosage: 2 drops

Directions: Single remedy use: 2 drops in water and sip at intervals or add to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water. Take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day.

Multiple remedy use: Add 2 drops of each remedy (max 7 remedies) to a mixing bottle and use as above.


  • 5 x dilution of flower extracts of Honeysuckle (carpinus betulus) in a grape alcohol solution

Warning: Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Contains ethanol. Homeopathic product.

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