Australian Bush Flower Essences Boab 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences
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Australian Bush Flower Essences Boab 15ml

Australian Bush Flower Essences Boab is one of the most powerful of all the Bush Essences and can bring about profound change. Boab clears negative emotional and mental family patterns that are passed on from generation to generation. Boab can access and clear those core patterns and all the related ensuing beliefs.

Australian Bush Flower Essences Boab is very beneficial in helping those who have had experiences of abuse or prejudice from others. Boab will also help clear the negative lines of karma between people. When used in a spray,

Australian Bush Flower Essences Boab can be very effective in clearing negative energies, especially when combined with Fringed Violet, Angelsword and Lichen. Boab can help break the chains that have been around human consciousness for thousands of years.

Negative Condition

  • enmeshment in negative family patterns
  • for recipients of abuse and prejudice

Positive Outcome

  • personal freedom by releasing family patterns
  • clearing of other, non family, negative Karmic connections

The Boab Tree is found only in the Kimberley region of northwest Australia.

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